Discover the significance of December birth flowers with this insightful guide. The article highlights the two flowers associated with December, the Narcissus and Holly, explaining their meanings, symbolism, and the best occasions for gifting them. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday or simply appreciating the beauty of these flowers, this guide offers valuable insights into their unique characteristics and cultural significance.
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What is December’s Birth Flower?
The birth flowers for December are Holly and Narcissus, absolutely perfect for the final month of the year and all the festivities that go with it.
The holly is an evergreen plant native to the United Kingdom. It’s also one of the festive season’s most famous plants – right after the mistletoe, of course. This versatile plant has over 200 varieties, often with the prickly leaves and red berries we’ve come to associate with Christmas. While the fruit is often eaten by animals, it’s semi-toxic to humans.
Deer, squirrels, and other smaller mammals will devour holly and its berries are an important food source for almost 20 bird species.
What is the Meaning of Holly?
The most common symbolism for holly is that it denotes happiness at home. Perfect for the holiday season!
Holly Interesting Facts
Did you know that if a holly bush has berries it’s a female? It’s a dioecious plant, from the Greek word for “two households” which tells us that each plant is either male or female.
You need bushes of each type in whatever locale they’re growing for cross-pollination to occur. This means that holly bushes without berries are either male or isolated females and those with berries aplenty are always female.
What Does Holly Say About December Babies?
With holly as one of their birth flowers, December babies are beautiful inside and out. They’re also focused on the prize and are willing to work hard to get where they want to be. People born during this month love a challenge and gift those around them with a warm, amiable nature.
Tips For Buying Holly
Primarily a winter flower, holly’s bright red berries against its fresh greenery slips a little reminder of spring into the coldest months. Inspect both the fruit and the leaves before you buy to ensure they’re pest-free and in their prime.
The December birth flower has a rich history and is very popular across the globe. Originating in the Mediterranean, the narcissus eventually got to Asia where it became widely spread across China. From there, the narcissus made its way into Europe via European colonists and eventually made its way into North America. Today, the narcissus is mainly grown in Great Britain, Holland, and The Channel Isles.
You‘ll find narcissus in white and yellow most frequently, but they can also come in oranges and pinks too.
What is the Meaning of Narcissus?
Commonly, the narcissus represents faithfulness, modesty, and respect, especially when used as symbols in art and literature. It also depends on where in the world you’re from!
For example, the Chinese believe it symbolises prosperity and wealth, while the early Victorians considered it representative of a selfish, egotistical individual.
Narcissus Interesting Facts
The term “narcissus” comes from the Greek word for “narcotic”, but it is also linked to a myth about a man with this name. Narcissus was the son of a nymph and river god who fell in love with his own reflection as a result of his beauty. He eventually drowned due to his obsession with himself. Shortly thereafter, the first narcissus flower bloomed at that very spot.
In light of this, it’s easy to see how the flower could have negative connotations. Although this flower can symbolise that someone is too self-obsessed, it can also be a symbol of change and improving oneself in the future.
As one of the earliest bulbs to bloom, they’re a symbol of rebirth in the springtime. This punctuality each year can also symbolise that someone is always on time and punctual for events.
What Does Narcissus Say About December Babies?
With all its many interpretations, narcissus tells us overall that people born in December are generally ambitious, confident, creative, good-looking, and possess fantastic communication skills.
Tips For Buying Narcissus
Shop with your nose as well as your eyes. Choose blooms that have a fragrance that speaks to you and smells as good as it looks! With that, you’re well on your way to start planting narcissus.
Buying Flowers For A December Birthday
With the festive season in full swing at this time of year, it’s easy to let your December-born friend, lover, or family member’s birthday slip past unnoticed. Don’t let this happen to anyone you care about! Now that you know more about what these blooms have to say, create a beautiful bouquet that celebrates a relationship that’s important to you.
For Your Mom Or Dad
White narcissus symbolises innocence, purity and the metaphysical realm. They carry a particularly lovely message for very spiritual people, so consider a bouquet of them if your parents fall into this category.
For Your Partner
The druids saw holly as a fertility symbol, so it makes a fabulous present for your romantic partner, especially if the two of you are trying to conceive. Even if you’re not, though, this kind of fruitfulness can manifest in any number of different ways, all good.
For Your Grandparents
Yellow narcissus symbolises positive energy and joyfulness and will tell your grandparents how happy they make you.
For A Friend Or Colleague
Orange narcissus is a symbol of friendship and positivity. This makes it a perfect present for your pals as well as appropriate for people you’ve become close to at work.
The End Of Something, The Beginning Of Something Else
When it comes to the December birth flowers, we can see that the holly looks to celebrate the end of the year and bring about festive cheer, while the paperwhite narcissus looks to showcase rebirth and prosperity. It’s almost as if the flowers help to bring the year to its completion and shed some light on the positivity that lies ahead.
While the year may be coming to an end, it’s important to celebrate accomplishments, reflect on the things that were not so great and look forward to seeing what the new year brings.

Lily’s love for flowers and plants was nurtured in her grandmother’s vibrant garden. Over the years, this affection blossomed into a full-fledged passion for horticulture.
With formal training in botany and countless hours in her own backyard oasis, Lily has cultivated a deep understanding of plant care and garden design.